


My name is Nikola Cucakovic, I'm a security engineer. I enjoy building, breaking, and fixing things - especially games. I'm particularly interested in Mobile, Web, and Cloud technologies. See about me to find out more.

  • Creating a Custom Root by Patching SuperSU

    An introduction into how existing popular rooting frameworks can be customised to provide a more stealthy alternative. This post highlights the importance of setting up a streamlined Android environment for security testing. In addition, I walk through an open source tool I wrote for modifying one of these frameworks that makes it virtually undetectable using conventional methods.

  • Debugging & Instrumenting Swift Applications on iOS 13

    A high level overview of debugging and dynamically instrumenting Swift mobile applications on iOS 13. This post goes into detail on some of the nuances of testing on iOS 13, some tips on working with Swift apps with the dynamic instrumentation framework Frida, and some general information for getting set up.

  • Zero to AWS Associate Solutions Architect

    My journey of knowing almost nothing about AWS to achieving the SAA-C02 Associate Solutions Architect certification in three weeks. This post highlights why I decided to pursue this certification, what resources I used, and what I should have done differently.

  • R2Con CTF - Land of Ecodelia

    A walk through on reversing a CTF challenge from R2con 2019. This breaks down the process of tackling an unknown binary written in Golang and show cases some of the capabilities of the Radare2 framework.

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